Black teen’s death in Madison to ‘exacerbate racial tensions’ in US


Black teen’s death in Madison to ‘exacerbate racial tensions’ in US


The recent police killing of an unarmed black teenager in Madison, Wisconsin, is further example of the level of “repression” that exists across the US and will exacerbate racial tensions in the country, a journalist in Detroit says.


“Unless America reforms its policies of racism and national oppression, there will be no peace and there will be no stability or credibility abroad for the United States government and the US political and economic system,” said Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire.

On Friday night, 45-year-old Matt Kenny shot 19-year-old Tony Robinson who later surrendered to his injuries at a hospital. Madison’s police Chief Mike Koval acknowledged that the teenager was unarmed.

The white veteran police officer had gunned down another suspect in 2007, but was exonerated. Kenny has been placed on administrative leave pending results of an investigation.

Hundreds of angry demonstrators have taken to the streets since Robinson’s killing to protest the shooting death.

On Saturday, around 50 protesters gathered outside the Dane County Public Safety Building before walking toward the scene of the fatal shooting, holding signs that read, “Black Lives Matter”, a slogan adopted by activists around the US following officer-involved deaths of unarmed black men in recent months.

“The police killing of young Tony Robinson is just further example of the degree of repression that exists in the United States,” Azikiwe said in a phone interview with Press TV on Monday.

Robinson’s death “is the result of a failed policing toward nationally oppressed groups,” he said. “This incident will further exacerbate racial tensions in the United States.”

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