Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Repels Terrorists’ Attack on Strategic Town in Hasaka


Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Repels Terrorists’ Attack on Strategic Town in Hasaka

The army units prevented the ISIL terrorists from completing their offensive on the town of Bab Al-Khayer in Southern Hasaka.
The Syrian troops killed tens of terrorists and injured dozens more in fierce clashes over control of Bab Al-Khayer town. They also destroyed terrorists’ vehicles equipped with machine guns.

Also in the past 24 hours, the Syrian army won all battles against the foreign-backed militants in the Southwestern province of Dara’a.

Teesyia near the Jordanian border was one of the battlefields in which the Syrian army staged massive and victorious operations against the rebels, who left several killed and wounded and fled the area, military sources said.

Also, Zamreen village in Dara’a countryside witnessed the Syrian soldiers’ victory against the militants.

Meantime, in the Northern countryside of Dara’a, a number of the rebels were killed and injured in Dei al-Salat to the Western part of al-Harak city.

Elsewhere, the Syrian army started massive attacks against the militants’ stronghold across the Northwestern province of Idlib, which resulted in killing and wounding of a huge number of the foreign-backed terrorists.

Terrorists’ centers in Jisr al-Shougr area, and villages of al-Najia, Ayn al-Barda, Jaftalak Haj Mahmoud and al-Teibat, were massively targeted by Syrian soldiers who killed and wounded several members of the rebel groups.

Many terrorists were also killed or injured by the Army in Sijra, Ayn Shib, al-Rami, Ayn Martin and al-Ma’zola villages, West of Idlib.

Also, the Syrian army was preparing to take control of two strategic oil wells in Homs as it was marching through the province.

“The army units plan to regain control of Oil Wells No/105/ and No/106 in Homs province,” an informed military source told FNA today.

Oil Well No 105 is the biggest and most important oil well of Homs province.

Also, the Southwestern Province of al-Quneitra was the scene heavy clashes between the foreign-backed rebels and the Syrian soldiers, who killed, injured and arrested a large number of militants in different battlefronts.

A long convoy of the rebels’ vehicles loaded with weapons and ammunitions was targeted by the army in Tranje village in Quneitra countryside.

In the Eastern countryside of Quneitra, the Syrian army targeted rebels’ gatherings and killed too many rebels in Mas-hara town.

Elsewhere, the Syrian army repelled insurgents’ attempts to infiltrate into some parts of the old city of Aleppo, killing and wounding too many fighters.

Militants’ attack against the Old City- towards Abdul-Hamid al-Zahrawi School- in Aleppo Northern Province was repelled firmly by the Syrian soldiers, and the antigovernment fighters left so many killed and wounded and fled the battlefields.

Meantime, Syrian military sources strongly rejected a media report alleging that the Takfiri terrorists had gained control over a strategic hill and town in Lattakia countryside.

Some western and Arab media had claimed that the Takfiri terrorists had taken control of Dourin hill and town in Lattakia countryside.

“The army is still in control of strategic Dourin hill and town in Lattakia,” a Syrian military source told FNA on Friday.

On Tuesday, the Syrian army made more advances in the Lattakia countryside and captured strategic villages, killing tens of Takfiri terrorists in heavy clashes.

The Syrian army captured al-Maroniat and al-Tifahia villages in Lattakia, and killed notorious terrorists, including Maher al-Dibss, Mahran Janodi, Rabea Shakir, Mahmoud Fadil and the Jordanian Abad al-Fatah Oda.

The army operations also resulted in the destruction of a number of vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns in Marj Shibly and Jab Qatto in addition to the death of many terrorists, including Omar Radwan and Omran Attia.

Other units thwarted a terrorist attack in an area near peak of al-Nabi Younis Mountain towards Roiset al-Sheikh Mohamed and Roiset al-Mathlaja and Katf Mrishod, killing tens of terrorists.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 210,000 people, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people, including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year.

Over 3.8 million Syrians have left their country since the beginning of the crisis. According to reports, more than seven million Syrians have become internally displaced.

The Takfiri terrorist group, with members from several western countries, controls swathes of land in Syria and Iraq, and has been carrying out horrific acts of violence such as public decapitations and crucifixions against all communities such as Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds and Christians.

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