(Video In.)No “Justice” for Black America under “old glory”


aaron-mcnamaraIt is hard to get it in the heads of Black America, but through the winds of war, death, and brutality, they will come to a decision. As the violent winds of war force you to recognize your open enemies, you will be forced into acknowledging the obvious or face certain death.

US Justice Department: Ferguson police racially biased


olg2 Now, my beloved, you are faced with the same problem that beset Moses and the children of Israel during the era of the Egyptian captivity. Pharaoh did not want Moses to preach the religion of Jehovah in Egypt because Pharaoh knew such preaching would bring damnation to his wicked kingdom.

So it is that your oppressors did not want you to hear the gospel of the Black man. They know that this gospel will one day be their undoing. Pharaoh did not want Moses to call the Jews to the wall to wail at sundown.

oldg3He knew that once the Jews were united in the name of the religion of their fathers they would no longer abide in slavery with a docile air. Pharaoh did not want Moses to teach the gospel of justice on this side of the grave. He knew that once the Jews determined in their hearts to seek justice here and now they would rise up and demand a place in the sun.

So, then, it is with us. Our oppressors are determined to keep our eyes in the sky while they control the land under our feet. They are determined to bog us down in an impractical ethic of turning the other cheek, the better that they may smite our cheeks and rob our pockets.

We must not be deceived by the rush toward integration that has become the theme of the past few years. Just as the Romans were to beware of slave masters hearing integration. Why, I ask you, after four hundred years of murder, rape and slavery, do our oppressors now come waving the olive branch of integration?

Is it that they really love us; is it that they are sincerely sorry for their sins and seek restitution? If they love us, then why was there no evidence of this love in the hearts of their forefathers when they sold our forefathers like cattle on the auction block?

If they are really seeking to atone, then why do they not offer us some measure of restitution — an area of this country we can call our own–to the sons and daughters of the embattled?

They have not come to this hour because they love us nor is integration a sign that they are sorry for their sins. The blunt fact is, our oppressors see fire coming. They see the handwriting on the wall and know what it means. They would have you believe that the days ahead hold glory for the Christian world.”-pgs.12 & 13(The Fall Of America)

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