This is America….Blame the victim: Ferguson Police Seek Criminal Charges for Michael Brown’s Mother – Report


Can you not see the need for separation? You will never receive justice or a square deal under ol’ glory. America was not founded in a way of respecting you.

Once you acknowledge this truth you have been trying to ignore, you will qujicvkly understand what is going on. Right before your eyes the police and so-called justice system exonerated open murderers and are now seeking charges against the victims mother for voicing her outrage over the murder of her son!

Ferguson Police Seek Criminal Charges for Michael Brown’s Mother – Report


The Browns can’t seem to catch a break: after their nightmare in the aftermath of Michael Brown’s death, the Ferguson Police Department has formally requested the filing of criminal charges against Lesley McSpadden, Brown’s mother, and other Brown family members, in connection to an incident involving violence and theft.

According to a police report, McSpadden, Brown’s grandmother Desureia Harris, and at least a half dozen other people got into a dispute with vendors outside of a local barbecue restaurant in October. The vendors were selling “Justice for Michael Brown” t-shirts and other memorabilia without the family’s consent, The Desk reported.

Following an investigation into the incident, the Department sent their findings to the St. Louis County Prosecuting Office. An anonymous source part of the investigation told the Desk that Ferguson PD requested to bring criminal charges against McSpadden and others.

The report states McSpadden punched a woman during the incident, and that the altercation resulted in almost $2,000 of stolen merchandise and cash.
Supporters of the Brown family have come to McSpadden’s aid on social media….More Here
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