War above the clouds…Russia hits US hard in retaliatory missile strike in space


spacewIt has been censored in the news and glossed over, but war between America and Russia is going physical. American and Western news/propaganda organizations are trying to minimize and underreport the major events that have taken place, which brings these two power…and the world at large, close to all out war!

US attacks UK defence cuts – calls for ‘NATO standards’

spacew3America has been, and continues to be belligerent and unyielding in her very provocative statements and military moves towards Russia. They have systematically waged war on natural Russian allies like Libya, Ukraine, Sudan, and even Syria.

NATO rolls out ‘Russian threat’ in battle with Brits for cash

Their goal is to weaken Russia geo-strategically, all the while showing nations that allied with Russia that any treaty with Russia is not worth it. They are counting on holding Russia’s retribution at bay with the threat of NATO military intervention.

spacew5But there is a problem with that. Russia is on the rise while NATO has not won any war that it has fought, and is on the way down. Russia is militarily prepared to defeat America and NATO forces in Europe. And this was even admitted to by some of their strategists.

Things between these two sides are heating up, with even China closing sides and warning America & NATO over their provocations with Russia over Ukraine. This is unprecedented.

Russia has decided to strike back. They haven’t forgotten how America shot down one of their satellites roughly a year ago, even though they first claimed that the satellite was not shot down.

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