Venezuela demands compulsory visas for US citizens to stop American destabilization programs


She has been found out. Her evil is exposed. Prophecy is now full circle. America is falling and there is no friend for her!

…”All this now returns to America. The little nations are now awake. They had looked for true friendship from America but instead America deceived them.

Again, I repeat, the Bible prophecy…”As thou has done, it shall be done unto thee.” There is no friend for America.”-pg.110(The Fall Of America)

Venezuela demands compulsory visas for US citizens


Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has announced the enforcement of a mandatory visa policy for all American citizens seeking to visit the country in a bid to “control” US meddling in its domestic affairs.

“In order to protect our country… I have decided to implement a system of compulsory visas for all Americans entering Venezuela,” said President Maduro in a Saturday announcement, which came after he ordered a review and reduction of American diplomatic personnel in the US Embassy in Caracas.

The development came after Maduro announced the defeat of a US-funded coup attempt against the country by five aviation officers earlier this month.

“We have broken up and foiled a coup attempt against democracy and the stability of our country,” said the Venezuelan president during a February 12 address in Caracas, adding that the Washington-directed plot would have seen an aerial attack on the presidential palace or another target.

Moreover, the opposition mayor of Caracas was indicted last week for what the government described as his role in a US-financed coup scheme to topple Maduro.

The arrest of the Caracas mayor prompted Washington, which recently imposed sanctions on a number of Venezuela officials, to dismiss the allegations as “ludicrous” and claim concerns over the tensions in the Latin American nation….More Here

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