Middle East close to war


wxw2The Middle East is reaching a breaking point. America is desperate. In her desperation she is trying her best to lure so-called muslim states into the fray to make war against other muslim nations.

‘US, Turkey seeking to oust Assad’


wxwBut i think that these nations and their leaders should consider this….”The strongest and most powerful weapon the arch-deceivers have at their disposal is to deceive the world of righteousness (the Nation of Islam). They do not stop at the common, ignorant Muslims, but reach also for the scholars and scientists of Islam, who should be aware of their trickery and deceit.

wxw3We are in a world that is passing out of existence — and she is putting up a fight (war) to destroy the nation of righteousness. Be aware! To try to oppose the success of Allah’s truth only hastens the doom of falsehood and its teachers.”-Chp.45(The Fall Of America)

Iran: No justification for military intervention in Syria


Now we hear the drumbeat of war echoing across the Near East….”The boil has come to a bursting point. We are in a troubled world. We are in a world that is now erupting.”-pg.172(The Fall Of America)

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