Yakub’s dirty lil’ secret – ISIL is part of a giant psychological operation to feed, breed Islamophobia


usis2 We have known this and been reporting this and speaking about this since it’s inception. Deception is the key the tool for those who are waging war on Islam. The entire West is and has been against Islam and are fighting a losing battle trying to demonize and destroy Islam under the guise of fighting terror.

They won’t be accepted. This thing is coming to a head very soon and they will soon come to know this truth.

ISIL is part of a giant psychological operation to feed, breed Islamophobia


usis …”The ultimate aim of this world should be known to everyone, especially the righteous. We classify the righteous as being the people who belong to the right God, the God of righteousness, truth, freedom, justice and equality of the nation of righteousness.

Today, the so-called American Negroes must be resurrected and made to know and understand the fate of anyone who will follow or be deceived by the arch-deceivers.

The strongest and most powerful weapon the arch-deceivers have at their disposal is to deceive the world of righteousness (the Nation of Islam). They do not stop at the common, ignorant Muslims, but reach also for the scholars and scientists of Islam, who should be aware of their trickery and deceit.

We are in a world that is passing out of existence — and she is putting up a fight (war) to destroy the nation of righteousness. Be aware! To try to oppose the success of Allah’s truth only hastens the doom of falsehood and its teachers.

The world of evil makes its first attack on the world of righteousness, thereby clearly showing herself as being the enemy of righteousness. When she thinks she has built up a strong enough force to attack the righteous, she does so which, as I said before, hastens her own doom. Falsehood cannot be victorious over the truth in the day of truth. The resurrection is a day of truth. The resurrection is a day of truth, as it triumphs over falsehood.

The archdeceivers force war against themselves.”-Chp.45(The Fall Of America)

Does it get any clearer?

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