Paul Craig Roberts – Putin Just Warned The West It Faces These Terrifying Consequences


Paul Craig Roberts – Putin Just Warned The West It Faces These Terrifying Consequences


With the eyes of the world focused on the war in Ukraine and the stalemate in the talks between the Greeks and the EU, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, explained to King World News why Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has just warned the West that it faces terrifying consequences.

Former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: “The U.S. demonization of Russia and Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has resulted in alienating those Russians who were supportive of the West and the United States. The constant demonization of Russia and Putin has galvanized the Russian people behind their president.


Putin More Popular Than Any Leader In The World

Just today it was reported that Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has a staggering 85 percent approval rating in Russia. No politician in the West or anywhere else in the world has approval numbers anywhere close to that. So the West has completely and utterly failed in its attempt to force a change in political leadership in Russia…..more here

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