(Vid In.)Empire America….The Global Parasite


41wgDNjA11L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_There is no trusting anything American officials say. They promised not to have any bases in Afghanistan. Now they have dozens of bases. They promised to fully leave, then they forced a non-compliant Afghan government out of office and replaced it with a government that rubber-stamped their occupation.

They are still in Japan some 50 plus years there after promising to close the bases. I ask you…are they closed? Are American troops gone home?

images-77What about South Korea? They promised to restore operational command for Korean forces to the Korean government, then at the last minute they reneged. They have dozens of military facilities in a nation only the size of Pennsylvania.

They pretended to leave Iraq, then they formed ISID because they needed a boogie man to justify their redeployment their and trying to put shine on a turd, because their plans were never to really leave. Only to throw the people a head fake.

This is how she conducts her policies. She is a perpetual parasite. She needs to live off of others. She sucked the resources and independence of others in order to sustain her empires.

The great deceivers of the world will reap what they have sown. Have they not corrupted many people and nations under the guise of good, peaceful, loving Christians?

We have a clear description of them here;

…”They command the sea with their powerful navies, parking them off the shores of other nations. They secure air bases on their soils to place their deadly bomb — carrying planes within easy striking distances of those whom they fear to be their enemies. Is this not the easy way to make enemies?

Is this the act of a real Christian, the followers of Jesus whom they preach came for the peace of mankind and to teach the sheathing of the sword and the turning of the other cheek?

Where is a good Christian among this race?”-pg.169(The Fall Of America)

US eyes more bases in Iraq amid talk of major offensive on ISIS

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