(Israeli sneak attack goes out the window) Iran installs long-range radar system: commander


(You can believe that this has America, Britain, NATO members, and especially Israel terrified ,because this negates any moves towards launching a pre-emptive or surprise attack on Iranian territory!)

Iran installs long-range radar system: commander


Iran is installing a long-range radar system, Iran’s Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base Commander Farzad Esmaili said on Sunday.

The system would be able to keep tabs on enemy bases as far as 3,000 km away, Esmaili was quoted as saying, adding that “with 3,000-km-range Sepehr radar, we can detect the enemies’ breath inside their bases.”

Installation of the radar is 40 percent complete, he said, adding that after the completion, the radar will help Iran exercise “defense in depth” and shield the country’s sky against threats.

The long-range radar can also intercept ballistic and cruise missiles, according to the report.

Source: Xinhua

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