US missile shield to be rendered useless – Russia’s railroad-based missile system to be equipped with Yars missiles


Russia’s railroad-based missile system to be equipped with Yars missiles — source

The Barguzin railroad-based missile system may be adopted for service at the turn of 2019-2020 and will remain in service till 2040


/TASS/. Russia’s future railroad-based Barguzin missile system will be equipped with the RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles, no other missiles are planned to ne created for it, a Russian defense industry source told TASS on Thursday.

“We have the RS-24 Yars modern missile, which is small enough to be placed in a regular car of a special train and at the same time has high combat power. So, no other missiles are planned to be created for the Barguzin so far,” said the source.
He said that the most important task is creating the railroad-based missile system based on new technology and testing it with the Yars missile in the next three to four years.

According to the source, Barguzin’s development may be completed in 2018. After that it will take two years to test it. “If everything goes normally and on schedule, then Barguzin with due financing may be adopted for service at the turn of 2019-2020,” he said.

Another defense industry source told TASS previously that one Barguzin train, equalled to a regiment, will be able to carry six Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles. According to him, one Barguzin division will comprise five regiments. Barguzin is being developed at the Moscow-based Institute of Thermal Engineering.

A former Strategic Missile Force chief of staff, Viktor Yesin, told TASS previously that Barguzin is Russia’s response to the United States’ deployment of the anti-ballistic missile defense.

Russia withdrew railway-based inter-continental ballistic missiles from operation in 2005. At the moment research and development work is in progress on Barguzin, which is expected to remain in active service at least till 2040.



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