Video catches South Carolina cop repeatedly punching black man who is lying face down on pavement


uspb4Black man and black woman, you don’t want the truth. You are in love with a people, a nation, and a system that has done nothing but kill, rob, deceive you, lie to you, and demonize you on top of using your lives, ideas, and sacrifices to further their rule and wage unlimited war on your kind and on nations around the world.

It’s time that you wake up. God is allowing this devil to be who he is in order to force you to see the depths of evil in this race of people of sin. Nature bids them to try to hurt or kill you.

uspbYour Bible teaches you of this. You don’t want to accept it because he has made you love him no matter how he treats you and your kind. The word is no longer sufficient. You need more than this therefore it is said that…”Hundreds and thousands of preachers tremble at the thought of even accepting the truth, and wish to take their followers into the “Fall of America.” This is the problem to be solved. If it is to be solved then how shall it be solved: and what is the best method to use in the solution? It must be a solution that touches, not only the enemy, but those who cleave to him while defying the wrath of Almighty Allah (God). It is incumbent (says the Holy Quran) that Allah give life to this mentally dead so-called Negro.

uspb3 It is also made incumbent in the Bible where Ezekiel declares (in his vision) that all of the dry bones were resurrected. This does not refer so much to the word because the word has no effect on their resurrection. It literally took something more effective than the word. The winds that the prophets were to prophesy to represent wars which will eventually bring harm and suffering to the rebellious rejecters of the truth. Salvation must come to the so-called Negro. Everyone’s eyes should be opened. The time of the ending of this world is now, and not yet to come, as you so foolishly think.”-pg.19(The Fall Of America)

This devil, the man of sin must be made manifest to you that you see him as he actually is. Prophecy tells you of this, it is nothing new.

….”Allah (God) in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, said to me that there is nothing that you can do to her in the way of evil that could match the evil that she has already done to us.

uspb2This is why the Revelator calls the people of modern Babylon “beasts,” for they live the kind of life of wild beasts. They have no mercy for themselves or for anyone else. They are made merciless although there are a few who will believe and escape the doom of her brothers. This is their reward just by faith.

But the Black man is created by the Creator, by nature, and he was made blind, deaf and dumb by his kidnaping lord and master, the white slave-master. I do not think that you could overlook the most positive truth here, in this article, that we are now living in the call of angel to us, to come out of her. The “her” here means the wicked world of the devil.

uspb5 Since we the Black people were kidnaped and forced into this world (of the white race) we must be forced out of this world. It is not that you my people will accept by just having the freedom to accept of your own choice. No. You will have to be punished, divinely beaten and destroyed until you accept Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are Due forever, as your God and Saviour, as I and thousands of my followers are doing.”-pg.143(The Fall Of America)

Video catches South Carolina cop repeatedly punching man who is lying face down on pavement


A police officer in South Carolina was suspended over the weekend when video surfaced showing him repeatedly punching a man who was lying on the pavement.

Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook told The State that five off-duty officers had been working at the Columbia Soundstage when a large fight occurred in the parking lot early Sunday morning.

A video of one of the officers striking a man at least five time while he was lying face down on the pavement later turned up on social media.
“Why are you punching him?” a woman in the video exclaims.

“Back the f*ck up!” the officer shouts back.

Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin said that the officer was suspended after he spoke to the police chief about the video.

“I know there are multiple sides to the story,” Benjamin explained to The State on Monday. “(The video) left me gravely concerned as to what the possible circumstances might have been, and I shared that with the chief and he acted accordingly.”

Chief Holbrook said that the officer was suspended without pay pending the outcome of an internal investigation and a separate South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) investigation. He noted that both the officer and the man who was punched were African-Americans.

The chief declined to release the officer’s name or information about any arrests connected to the incident.

Watch the video below from WLTX.

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