EXCLUSIVE: Ferguson prosecutor accused of racial bias over deaths at police hands by family of ANOTHER unarmed man shot by cops who were cleared by grand jury in case almost identical to Michael Brown


EXCLUSIVE: Ferguson prosecutor accused of racial bias over deaths at police hands by family of ANOTHER unarmed man shot by cops who were cleared by grand jury in case almost identical to Michael Brown

Ronald Beasley was shot and killed by police at a Jack in the Box restaurant parking lot in Berkeley, a St Louis, MO, suburb in June 2000
He was with Earl Murray, another unarmed black man, who was being investigated over drugs by police and who was giving him a lift
Murray backed his car into undercover officers’ SUV and they sprayed his car with at least 21 bullets, FBI probe found
Cops claimed Murray was driving towards them but FBI found car was always in reverse as they shot round after round
Grand jury cleared officers – who are still serving – after case led by Robert McCulloch, who 14 years later led Michael Brown death case
June Beasley exclusively tells DailyMail.com that McCulloch cannot be trusted to tell truth and backs bid to overturn Grand Jury secrecy
Says Michael Brown’s killing by Officer Darren Wilson was like losing her brother all over again
Source: www.dailymail.co.uk

On Sunday 10 August June Beasley slipped out of her home in Florissant, Missouri and made a private pilgrimage.
It took barely ten minutes for her to get to Canfield Drive, the Ferguson street where Michael Brown, 18, had been shot the day before.
June stood with the crowds at the makeshift memorial that had sprung up where the unarmed black teen had died and all she could think was ‘Here we go again.’
Because, for June Beasley and her family, the news that saw Ferguson burn last August has rekindled emotions and anger they have spent 15 years trying to overcome.
For her, hearing the news that Ferguson cop Darren Wilson had pumped six bullets into ‘Big Mike’ was like losing her brother, Ronald, all over again.
Last week DailyMail.com revealed that St Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch has been accused of lying about grand jury evidence into the shootings of Ronald Beasley and Earl Murray. Cops gunned down the men on 12 June 2000.
Bereaved: June Beasley, pictured with her fiance, Gus Halle, has fought for justice since her brother Ronald was shot to death by two police officers at a Jack in the Box restaurant
Bereaved: June Beasley, pictured with her fiance, Gus Halle, has fought for justice since her brother Ronald was shot to death by two police officers at a Jack in the Box restaurant
Dead: Ron Beasley (right) had accepted a lift from Earl Murray (left). Murray drove into an undercover police drugs sting in a parking lot, apparently panicked and backed into a police SUV. Officers then opened fire.
Dead: Ron Beasley (right) had accepted a lift from Earl Murray (left). Murray drove into an undercover police drugs sting in a parking lot, apparently panicked and backed into a police SUV. Officers then opened fire.
Devastation: This police picture from the time shows how the car in which Ronald Beasley was seated was shot repeatedly by police. He and the other man in the car were unarmed.
Devastation: This police picture from the time shows how the car in which Ronald Beasley was seated was shot repeatedly by police. He and the other man in the car were unarmed.
The allegation has been made in a lawsuit, filed Monday, in which a grand juror is fighting to have their oath of secrecy set aside and speak out. Lead attorney Anthony Rothert cited McCulloch’s handling of the earlier case to show that there is ‘true reason’ for skepticism over the prosecutor’s current claims of transparency. Quite simply, Mr Rothert said, ‘McCulloch’s word can’t be taken.’
It is a sentiment with which June Beasley agrees whole-heartedly.
Now, June 60, has broken her 15-year silence to reveal the devastation her brother’s death wrought on his family. She has recalled how the married, father-of-three’s character was denigrated and traduced following his death.
She has told of her despair on hearing that no charges would be brought and no officers held accountable. She has blamed County Prosecutor McCulloch’s ‘bias’ for ushering through injustice. And she has revealed her hope that the scandal of the past may help lift the lid on the final secrets of the controversial Ferguson grand jury.
Speaking exclusively to DailyMail.com she said: ‘Even now it wouldn’t be too late to bring some comfort if Ron’s death was to help bring out the truth in Michael Brown’s.
‘It’s like Bob McCulloch is untouchable here. Because, all of this is history repeating itself. It has happened before and if you have all this secrecy it will happen again.’
June had just got home from her customer service job on Saturday 12 June 2000 when she caught the news that two men had been shot dead by police in the Jack in the Box parking lot in Berkeley – just a couple of miles from where Brown died last summer…..More Here


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