The Great Divider: America is once against stoking tensions on the Korean Peninsula


fwr4 This is how America rolls. She just cannot help but stoke tensions between brother nations. This is how she maintains her policies and justifies her presence thousands of miles away from her own border.

fwrShe refuses to pact up and leave for home. Whenever there is even a slight hint at detent’ between brother nations, she uses some event to cause a rift. This can lead to mother but conflict and confrontation.

fwr2Just recently….North Korea offers US deal to suspend nuke tests if South ceases joint drills .

Well guess what they received in return….Pyongyang Fumes as US Rejects N Korea’s Deal to Halt Nuclear Test

fwr3 She has always used leaders against leaders and nation against brother nation to cement and maintain her wicked rule across the earth. Tell me how can peace be a real objective and prospect under US control?

After this grand overture by North Korea, it was met with this….

US, South Korean Navies to Carry Out Joint Exercise This Week: Reports


Two US destroyers, a South Korean destroyer, a submarine and two helicopters are expected to take part in the joint exercise. South Korean Navy officials have not yet confirmed information about the drills.

(Sputnik) — The United States and South Korean navies are planning to carry out a two-day joint naval exercise this week in the Sea of Japan, Yonhap news agency said Monday.
The exercise is scheduled to start Tuesday, the agency cited an anonymous source in the South Korean Navy as saying.

The goal of the joint exercise is to improve the detection of intrusions into South Korean territorial waters, according to the source.

Two US destroyers, a South Korean destroyer, a submarine and two helicopters are expected to take part in the joint exercise.
South Korean Navy officials have not yet confirmed information about the exercise.

On Saturday, North Korea asked the United States to give up its plans to carry out military exercises on the Korean Peninsula and in its vicinity. In return, the country stated its readiness to put off its nuclear tests temporarily. The United States rejected the offer, saying it was a hidden threat.

Now with all that being said and done, I want to call America’s attention to this:

—“America goes abroad and makes war against other people. Then she charges them with making war against her when she is the one who is guilty of the war-making.

  The Bible says Allah (God) will destroy those who delight themselves in making war.”-pg.115(The Fall —-Of America)

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