(US Aircraft Carriers are shaking) DF-21D anti-ship missile may be deployed to Guangzhou: US expert


DF-21D anti-ship missile may be deployed to Guangzhou: US expert


Mobile DF-21D anti-ship missile launchers take part in a military parade. (Internet photo)

To project its power to the South and East China seas, the People’s Liberatin Army may have already deployed DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missiles to the Guangzhou Military Region, Peter Mattis, a research fellow of the Jamestown Foundation wrote in an article for National Interest magazine on Jan. 6.

Mattis said the PLA should be considered the armed wing of the Communist Party of China — which in fact it is. Mattis said three elements are used by Beijing to make demonstrations of power and resolve.

First, the PLA demonstrates its presence through exercises and patrols in and beyond disputed land and maritime areas. Second, it shows off its advanced military hardware to the world to let potential adversaries know its technological achievements.

Third, the Chinese government mobilizes public support for military deterrence and defense of its maritime claims, which survey data would suggest has proven to be successful.

The country’s top leader, Xi Jinping, has continued the strategy of former leader Jiang Zemin, under whose leadership the PLA worked to develop the so-called Assassin’s Mace or “trump card” that can prove decisive in seizing the initiative.

The DF-21D missile is considered one such weapon. “Advanced weaponry is the embodiment of a modern army and a crucial support for national security,” Xi said at a recent military conference.

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