(Vid In.)Senior Iraqi MPs wants government to cancel security, arms deals with Washington


images-56 Even under occupation the people of Iraq are demanding that all previous agreements forced upon them by America become null and void. They no longer want her presence in their land. She has become the most hated of nations.

“America is falling. She is now losing the power and authority that she was enjoying in foreign lands. Her fall is very visible. Wherever her authority has been exercised the people are now crying out in one voice, “Leave us, leave us; American’s go home to America.” The citizens of other countries are telling the American citizens, “Leave us.” America no longer has friends.”-pg.171(The Fall Of America)

  Senior Iraqi MPs wants government to cancel security, arms deals with Washington


“The little nations are now awake. They had looked for true friendship from America but instead America deceived them.

Again, I repeat, the Bible prophecy…”As thou has done, it shall be done unto thee.” There is no friend for America.”-pg.110(The Fall Of America)

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