The match that could spark war in Europe: US threatens Russia with deploying tanks, armored vehicles in Europe


wuniIsn’t this something? Here you have a declining former global power desperate and paranoid ,trying to threaten her re-emerging nemesis, Russia, with war and the deployment of arms near her borders. This is insane. Russia is not Libya nor Iraq.

eedeRussia’s military is not only capable of fighting against America’s(& NATO’s) worn out military, but they are capable of defeating them militarily regardless of whether it is a conventional way of warring or whether it is in a nuclear exchange. This type of actions is only displayed by confused and desperate powers.

As long as she was unchallenged nothing of the sort happened. Now that she sees her enemies on the rise and she falls into total decline, desperation sets in and she is no looking at a scorched earth policy. She knows that she can no longer impose her will on the nations and rule so she is willing to provoke a nuclear exchange in order not to leave the earth fit for anyone else to rule or survive outside of her domination.

eedde1Think over America’s reaction if Russia were proposing to do thew same thing in Mexico & Canada! This would be taken as an act of war and it should be. This is exactly what is being said to Russia so we will have to see what reaction to these threats, Russia responds with!

US threatens Russia with deploying tanks, armored vehicles in Europe


The United States has once again threatened Russian President Vladimir with deploying more than 150 tanks and armored vehicles in Europe.

Lieutenant-General Ben Hodges, commander of the US Army in Europe, said the Pentagon planned to deploy the tanks and vehicles by the end of 2015.

They could be placed in Poland, Romania or the Baltic states, the military commander told Reuters.

“By the end of… 2015, we will have gotten all the equipment for a heavy brigade, that means three battalions plus a reconnaissance squadron, the artillery headquarters, engineers, and it will stay in Europe,” Hodges said.

Last month, the Pentagon threatened Russia with redeploying nuclear cruise missiles to Europe, accusing Moscow of violating two arms control treaties.

Washington said Moscow violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.

However, Russia denied the allegation and said the testing of a ground-launched cruise missile in July 2014 was in compliance with the INF treaty.

Hodges said the United States currently has about 30,000 troops in Europe plus a similar number of Air Force, Navy and Marine personnel.

He added that the US military would keep the forces in the continent despite budgetary pressures in the country.

The US and its allies accuse Russia of sponsoring military activities in Ukraine. The Kremlin has firmly rejected the accusations.


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