The Great Game of European nuclear war: The stage is being set and the players are ready to play their parts.


zxNo matter where you go or where you look, if there is a conflict going on, guess who’s hand is in the midst of it? It’s America. She starts trouble thousands of miles away from her shores, then she blames others whose security she threatens, with provocative acts and acts of destabilization.

xz3Ukraine is on Russia’s borders. Ukraine is a slavic sister to Russia. Ukraine was once part of Russia and part of the Soviet Union. America, with all of her claims of democracy, put over $5billion dollars in her effort of destabilizing and eventually overthrowing the democratically elected government of Ukraine to install a puppet government to push instability and destabilization on Russia’s borders.

Now imagine if this was the shoe on the other foot. America would be ready to go to war with Russia if Russia did this to Mexico or Canada. But she thinks nothing of it when she does it to others.

xz2She is proving that she is the war maker & global mischief maker. And now you can clearly see that, “There is still the cold war in Berlin, between America and Russia and in other parts of Europe, to be reckoned with.”-pg.231(The Fall Of America)

And you can understand why “Europe will become a dreaded spot when America leaves Asia.”-pg.231(The Fall Of America)

xz4All of the pieces are being put into place for this coming conflagration. The stage is being set and the players are ready to play their parts.

Russia MP warns US against arming Ukraine


This file photo shows US armored vehicles tied down for transport on a Boeing 747.

A senior Russian lawmaker has warned the US against relocating arms and military equipment from Afghanistan to Ukraine, saying such a move would only lead to escalation of hostilities in the region.

Konstantin Kosachev, the head of Russia’s Upper House Committee for Foreign Relations, said Monday if the US implements such plans, it would definitely lead to further tensions in relations between Moscow and Washington as well as the deterioration of the security situation in Eastern Europe as a whole.

Kosachev added that the move would be an open interference in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, known as Donbass.

“Russia cannot be content with such plans as they would increase the tensions near our borders and also inevitably cause more casualties in Donbass,” said Kosachev.

Earlier on Monday, Frants Klintsevich, a Russian Lower House lawmaker, also criticized the US plans, vowing reciprocal actions from Moscow. Klintsevich said he would push for an official State Duma address to President Vladimir Putin, seeking to begin supplying the eastern Ukrainian breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk with Russian military hardware.

The remarks by Russian officials came after a recent report, citing information obtained by the Afghan presidential office, revealed that American specialists in Afghanistan are currently preparing US army MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicles for transport to Ukraine for possible use against pro-Russia forces in the eastern part of the country.

On December 12, the US Senate approved the Ukraine Freedom Support Act, which allows US government to deliver communications and surveillance facilities, radar and anti-tank weapons to the Ukrainian army. Washington will also give USD 350 million in military aid to Kiev.

The US accuses Moscow of supporting pro-Russia forces in east Ukraine, saying the Russian intervention poses a security threat to Ukraine and all other neighboring states. Russia has strongly dismissed the allegations.

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