Hungary Seeks Regional Alliance to Defend from US


Hungary Seeks Regional Alliance to Defend from US

Hungary Parliament Speaker says US undermines European governments. East-Central European states affected by this should stand together

“…there is not a square centimeter of area that falls outside of their interests.”
“…apart from them no other country can have sovereignty.”
“…we are moving like a pawn that does not want to play by the Americans’ rules.”
“We need to find allies elsewhere.”
“Petty, selfish people not suitable for the political arena are twisting the fate of countries and peoples from North Africa to the Middle East and Europe”
Tamas Pindroch (Magyar Hirlap)

The article below is a very recent interview with Hungary Parliament Speaker – the third highest dignitary in the country – Laszlo Köver.

We’ve said before Hungary government statements are still tame. They aren’t any longer.

Köver goes all out here. There are Iranian politicians who aren’t this anti-American.

Being candid he does much to reveal the position Hungary government believes itself to be in:

Hungary government has defended Hungarian sovereignty.
This has caused it to become target of US regime change ambitions.
It would be pointless to try to get back in US good graces.
Instead Hungary should ally Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic and other countries in the region in similar position.
It should continue to pursue good relations with Germany – perhaps in hope Germany will mediate between Washington and Budapest.
This is an abridged version of an article that originally appeared in Magyar Hirlap. It was translated by Richard Field at The Budapest Beacon

Pressure from the United States is increasing, while the European Union appears to be restrained and is not attacking us. How do you interpret these events?

The recent pronouncements of American deputy foreign secretary Sarah Sewall are very revealing.

She has spoken openly and stridently about how the United States, interpreted quite broadly and specifically, is devoting millions of dollars in the interest of national security to executing various action plans in two dozen Eastern-European countries.

Part of these are certainly EU member states, and the rest may be aspiring member states, although Sewall only mentioned the Czech Republic and us by name.

So far it appears that we are not the only ones to “put bad wood on the fire” but presumably Slovakia as well, but we cannot rule out the results of the Romanian presidential election playing a role in this.

From this we can deduce a self definition of power that from the national security point of view there is not a square centimeter of area that falls outside of their interests.

From this it also follows that apart from them no other country can have sovereignty.

The recent events cannot be distinguished from when they monitored the conversations of the leading politician of the Western European alliance, Angela Merkel.

It is a logical assumption that among the United States’ allies, the field of activities that can be qualified as unconventional affect not only Hungary but all of Europe.

They boasted that they “invested” millions of dollars in changes in Ukraine.

We have to look at the problems of the free trade and investment agreement between the Union and America as well.

In this way it is apparent that a world political power struggle is under way, whose stake is not only the fate of Hungary but all of Europe, but the chance of European nation-state sovereignty and true democracy.

What can we do in this situation? Can we do anything at all?…more here

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