The Cold War never ended, it’s just coming out in public view


fcfzNote: The thing about this situation is the so-called Cold War never ended. It’s not some new Cold War or anything like that. This is just the Cold War that has been hidden from public sight for years is now coming into full view!

Costs-a-new-Cold-WarWhy? Because it’s time. It’s time that these two opposing forces saber rattle and position, because conflict between them are unavoidable.

We are moving towards a military face off between America/NATO & Russia/CSTO. So worlds are colliding. There is an East/West divide that cannot be bridged without war!

West, Russia moving towards new Cold War: Analyst

The-New-Cold-War-1A political analyst says Russia and the Western countries are heading towards a second “full-blown” Cold War as Moscow adopts retaliatory measures against NATO military buildup, Press TV reports.

In an interview with Press TV, Daniel Faraci, director of the Grassroots Political Consulting LLC, highlighted NATO’s military expansion in former Soviet Union states as well as the Western sanctions imposed against Moscow “for really no set purpose, which are doing nothing short of destabilizing the Russian currency.”

Such moves have prompted the Kremlin to turn away from the West and improve its economic cooperation with the East, allowing Moscow to use its rich gas resources as a lever to counter the Western pressure, the commentator added.

Faraci further described the newly-updated version of Russia’s military doctrine as an “understandable and necessary response” to the anti-Moscow moves by the Westerners in recent months.

The new Russian military doctrine would send a “signal to NATO, EU and the United States that it is time for a diplomatic solution” to de-escalate the tensions and “get back on a path of economic partnership, cooperation, diplomacy” before the deteriorating Moscow-West relations turn into a new “full-blown” Cold War.
Faraci’s comments came after Russian President Vladimir Putin approved an updated version of the country’s military doctrine which considers NATO military buildup as a major foreign threat against its national security.

Relations between Russia and NATO strained after Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea integrated into the Russian Federation following a referendum on March 16. The military alliance ended all practical cooperation with Russia over the ensuing crisis in Ukraine on April 1.

The United States and its European allies accuse Moscow of destabilizing Ukraine and have imposed a number of sanctions against Russian and pro-Russia figures. Moscow, however, rejects the accusation.

Source: www.presstv.irv

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