Russian ‘Nuke trains’ with up to 30 Yars missiles rolling out from 2018


‘Nuke trains’ with up to 30 Yars missiles rolling out from 2018 – Russian defense source

A Russian military source outlined the capabilities of Barguzin strategic missile train. The country may roll out five such disguised mobile launch platforms each carrying six RS-24 Yars missiles in five years.

A ‘nuclear train’ – properly called BZhRK, short for ‘combat railway missile complex’ in Russian – is a mobile platform for transporting and launching strategic nuclear missiles. Similarly to nuclear submarines, such trains are hard to wipe out in a preemptive strike because of their mobility and ability to be disguised as regular freight trains.

The Soviet Union had 12 such nuclear trains, each carrying three RT-23 Molodets (SS-24 Scalpel in NATO disambiguation) missiles, but they were released from combat duty after Russia and the US signed the START-2 treaty in 1993 and eventually decommissioned.

Last year the Russian military said that nuclear trains – which are no longer banned under the New START treaty – would be revived.

READ MORE: ‘Nuclear train’ returns: Russia to deploy rail-based missiles to counter US ‘Prompt Global Strike’

The move is meant to counter the US’s Conventional Prompt Global Strike project, which would allow Pentagon to deliver precision strikes with conventional weapons at any target in the world in one hour….More Here

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