Former White House Official Says U.S. Already At War With Russia & China


Former White House Official Says U.S. Already At War With Russia & China


Today a former White House official stunned King World News by saying the United States is already at war with China and Russia. Former presidential adviser and member of the U.S. President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, Dr. Philippa Malmgren, also discussed how and where this dangerous war is taking place and why the public is totally unaware of it up to now.

Eric King: “Because you are friends with former defense ministers you are up to speed on geopolitics, but I kind of laughed because NATO was talking about creating a ‘Spearhead Force’ of 3,000 – 4,000 soldiers, and the United States said they are going to send 100 tanks to the Baltic States. (Laughter)”

Dr. Malmgren: “Yes.” (Laughter).

Eric King: “The reason I’m laughing is because just one battle in World War II, the Battle of Kursk in Russia, involved 2,000,000 men, 6,000 tanks, and 4,000 aircraft. I laugh because what does the West think it’s going to do by getting 3,000 – 4,000 men together and sending 100 tanks up against Russia? (Laughter). It’s comical.”

Dr. Malmgren: “I was commissioned to write a 90 page study. That gets into this issue of how modern wars are conducted. It isn’t with boots on the ground and tanks any more. Increasingly these things (wars) are fought in cyberspace and we’ve seen that happen recently with North Korea. Cyberwarfare and space is really where the action is.

“The United States, Russia, and China are all vying for dominance over high-altitude satellites, which dominate all the guidance and communications systems for the conduct of warfare. And increasingly (we are seeing) stealthy methods of conducting conflict.

For example, the Russians have been very active recently in showing their dominance in the Baltic Sea, which dictates who dominants Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. And in doing that, it’s not that they have so many ships or better quality ships, it’s how effectively they’ve been able to show they can take territory if they want to.

The Danes released a report showing that during the largest naval exercise held last summer by the Russians, since the Soviet period, in part what they were doing was practicing taking and seizing an island in the Baltic which currently belongs to Denmark. And it was so interesting they (Russia) picked the very week that the Danes held the equivalent of Davos — the meeting where every single political leader in that nation happens to be on that island at that time….More Here

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