Corrupt to the very core


usjuThis is not the exception, it’s the rule that has been pervasive in this corrupt nation. The so-called police force, the District & State attorneys, The mayors, and the the Judges are against justice though they have masqueraded in it’s name. The Bible teaches us that in this land, justice was trampled under foot.

usjus2If you are black, you receive no justice. If you are black , you are less than the dog. If you are black, especially a descendant of slaves, you are considered on 3/5ths of a man or woman. You have no human or civil rights and this why they continue to kill and abuse you and lock you up without any consideration.

LAPD downgrades violent crimes to minor offenses later: Report


The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) downgrades assaults initially recorded as serious to minor offenses later, a report finds out.

The Los Angeles Times said in a report on Thursday that dozens of cases were reviewed, where a violent crime was later changed to a “simple assault.”

“A third of the time, the decision to reclassify the incident was wrong, The Times concluded,” the report said.

LAPD had initially been asked to provide data on the crimes to assess the decision to reclassify, which it had denied. When presented with the new findings, the officials acknowledged the errors.

“They should not have been reclassified,” said Deputy Chief Kirk Albanese, who oversees the LAPD’s detective bureau and reviewed the analysis. “They should have been left as they were.”

The report provided a handful of examples from the 18 assaults “wrongfully” downgraded after a review of the 53 cases obtained.

The errors raise new questions about the accuracy of LAPD crime statistics, the report quoted criminal-justice experts as saying.

A different investigation, carried out in the summer, found out that the LAPD understated the city’s true level of crime by misclassifying nearly 1,200 serious assaults from a recent one-year period ending in September 2013.

“We are going to end up with reclassifications — it’s a fact of life. But we can end up with less, and we can end up with greater likelihood of getting it right out of the gate,” Albanese said.

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