(Vid In.)This is the day that America gets exposed…Clashes will continue


rafu4 rafu3The world knows that America’s brutality towards her ex-slaves is intensifying because she is mad that the dead in God are rising, and this means the loss of American power and position. It is a shame that they hold black people as  the spiritually blinded, deaf and dumb

rafuThere will not be an end to the clashes between Black and white America — and throughout the world — until wrong, evil, murdering, deceiving and robbing the poor Black man of the earth, is destroyed and righteousness and justice are practiced.

rafu2This is the day of God Almighty to set up justice and equality throughout the earth. He is to free the Black man — the American so-called Negro — from his deceitful, evil and murderous enemies.”-pg.200(The Fall Of America)

Racial tensions rise after killing of another black man by US police


One cannot deny the evil that white America intends to put on the backs of Black America. You cannot deny the hell that she continually rains down on this segment of the population.

….”The more evil, deceiving, tricking and making of false promises to the American so-called Negro only increases America’s divine chastisement — doom.

America knows that her trouble lies in her mistreatment of the Black man, the so-called Negro, but she is too wicked to give up tricking the Negro and deceiving him on false promises. She just cannot stop. The opportunity is too open, and she thinks that there is no one to hinder her.

But God has chosen us to be His people, and He delights in fighting the enemy. According to the history of the former people, He delighted Himself by going forth against them when they exceeded the limit. So it is with America.

They must be separated. America will not agree to see the Negro separated from her until she has suffered divine punishment, as Pharaoh suffered. The same thing that other evil nations suffered before them is now coming upon this people.

She seeks to keep her slaves robbed of opportunity and wealth. She envies success coming to American Negro free slaves. She charges them high prices to keep them down.”-pg.159(The Fall Of America)

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