It will become clearer and clearer that separation between Black and white is the only solution to the ills that plague America


dmpIt will become clearer and clearer that separation between Black and white is the only solution to the ills that plague America. America is hindering the solution and everyday she hinders it will only add to her miseries.

dmp2America has been number one on the list of God for total destruction for a long time. Her (America) destruction has been coming gradually for the past 84 years…”I have offered America a solution to her problems with her slaves. But because she knows that you are dumb enough not to want to accept it, she is condemning herself to an early doom by rejecting it. The only way out is to separate the two people despite the foolish Negroes’ cry that they love white people and want to remain with them.

dmp3 The time has arrived. The only way to put off for a few more years the total destruction America is to deal fairly with the Negro. But, nevertheless, one day it will come, unless she would like to return to Europe instead of sending the Negro back to Africa.”-pg.48(Message To The Blackman)

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dmp4The Revelation of John in the Bible represents them spiritually as beasts because of their savage way of dealing with and murdering black people. From slavery up to today we can honestly say that John was on point.

These people have been the worst people to us (the Black Nation) since they have been on the face of the earth. Their own historical records bear us witness. But you have fallen in love with your oppressors.

…”Today, they cling to this same enemy of their fathers and the enemies of all Black people upon the face of the earth because they cannot see any hope for a future for themselves in their own kind and self, due to the lack of knowledge of self.

They beg the enemy even for friendship, which is like the frog pleading to the snake not to swallow him after the snake has gotten him in his mouth.

The Black people of America have been swallowed by the slave-masters, who are a race of devils, says all-wise God, Allah, and now refuse to let us go free without hindrance and hold us as a prey against the will of Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, who now seeks our deliverance, since our people love the enemy more than God.

For God to fulfill His promises to deliver us from our enemies, He must go to war against the enemy and break the enemy’s power of resistance to free us. War is inevitable. The so-called Negroes must come to the knowledge of Truth, that they have no future in their enemies who are the enemies of Almighty God, Allah. God must come to put an end to war and, that is to say, destroy those who love to make war and delight in making mischief.

The American white people delight in mistreating us, their former slaves.

There is no justice for us among such people, the devils in person.”-pg.51(Message To The Blackman)

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