(10vids In.)In the East/West face-off over Ukraine, the winds of (thermonuclear) war are blowing across the European landscape


eutnu2We have known this for a long time being up from slavery, and now others are starting to recognize this fact. America is wicked beyond your and my imagination. In her delusional eyes she is always right, just, and correct in her policy of intervention, occupation, demonization, & war.

eutnu5 Blind by her arrogance and drunk on her power and position ,she believes that she is “the indispensable” nation that must dictate policy and culture and ideas of her so-called values to everyone else. She believes that she has the God given right to force her beliefs, culture, and ideals upon others at any expense.

US creating ‘permanent war zone’ around Russia


nausShe is now pushing for more war. War, I might add, with a near equal power militarily. One that has not only the means but also the will to take her on and when. Russia is a nation that can not only offer resistance, it can also to the fight to her offensively.

US firepower surrounding Russia, China


eutnuThese two great power poles are readying for their eventual face off on the battlefield. It’s time for it. The slightest spark can engulf the whole world in the grip of war. And believe or not it’s just around the corner.

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