Proof that the world is headed for war!


miru2By now it should be ever so clear that Russia and America are preparing for war and are trying to position themselves for advantage. Nothing could be made any clearer that the constant threats and accusations beings towards and against one another. There is no agreement any between of the leaders of the nations.

Even in the midst of an economic downturn which is actually an economic tsunami washing away the corrupt foundation of the Western world and it’s financial and political world order, There has been a constant and steady build-up for war. There hasn’t been any slowdown.

miru23In fact when you look, the focus has grown more severe. They are adding additional billions in their war build up, even if it is at the expense of the people of their nations. More threats and more war funding  is taking place in the midst of fiscal malfeasance and government ineptitude.

America has not stopped her wars of terror and aggression on the people. She has in fact planned for more wars and more destructions in a last ditched effort to maintain her position atop of the nations, even if that leads to thermonuclear war.

Psychotic as it may be, this is exactly what she is doing? She is insane and the whole world is watching her insanity play out in her implementation of her sociopathic policies which continues to drive the nations towards war and extinction.

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