(Vid In.) And you don’t want separation from them!


kbru2She is brutal against you. She kills you at will. She demonizes your existence. She sends you off to fight her wars of conquest and aggression and when you return home, if you are lucky enough to return home from the theater of war, she spits in your face by putting you in prison, cutting your benefits and blaming you for her violence.

kbru  Isn’t this some kind of people to fight for? These people are sleazy. They have proven beyond any shadow of doubt that she views you as her blind, deaf, dumb, and ignorant prey that is to be used as cannon fodder.

New video shows NYPD officer beating 12-year-old black kid


America has constantly burdened the poor Black slave with every evil that she could imagine. Day and night without a let-up the white man mistreats the poor Black slave. America knows her evil-doings against us; but to repent of it, I doubt it much.

Look how she handles your children. We could see beasts of the field showing more mercy for his prey than this vile and brutal American white man has or will ever show towards his ex-slaves.

You should be able to know them and their tricks as long as they have been putting them over on you. They smile in your face talking ethics, morality, love, unity, freedom, and justice while at the same time showing actions towards you and others which are diametrically opposed to all of the above principles.

America is angry over the possible freedom of her Black once-slave to go for himself and to set up self-independence. America is angry and does not want the Black slave to seek some other nations to help him. so her anger causes her to brutalize and even kill the children of her ex-slaves.

….”A people who are that wicked against the Black slave, whom they have had for four hundred years — Allah (God) should not have any pity on His destruction of them — nor should the nations of earth pity white America, because white America is wicked beyond your and my imagination.”-Chp.29(tfoa)

She hates you so much. She shows you in the way that she treats you and the way that she presents you to the world. Even to this late date, America does not want to repent of her evil done to her Black slaves.

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