Putin’s Grasp of, and Response to, Western Moves Are Impeccable


Putin’s Grasp of, and Response to, Western Moves Are Impeccable


  • Its not even a fair fight
  • A highly unified nation in a strong position with very intelligent
  • leadership is pitted against a crumbling empire pursuing erratic, chaotic and self-defeating strategies
  • He understands perfectly that the West is pursuing, without perhaps being completely aware of it, a strategy of “controlled chaos”. He even said so in Sochi
  • His performance in yesterday’s press conference was smooth and assured, because he understands what is going on, and feels confident of his position

By Pepe Escobar

This article originally appeared at RT

Even facing what under any circumstances is a perfect storm; President Putin delivered an extremely measured performance at his annual press conference and Q&A marathon.

The perfect storm evolves in two fronts; an overt economic war – as in siege by sanctions – and a concerted, covert, shadow attack to the heart of the Russian economy.

Washington’s endgame is clear: impoverish and defang the adversary and force him to meekly bow to the ‘Empire of Chaos’s’ whims. And bragging about it all the way to “victory.”

The problem is Moscow happens to have impeccably deciphered the game – even before Putin, at the Valdai Club in October, pinned down the Obama doctrine as “our Western partners” working as practitioners of the “theory of controlled chaos.”

So Putin neatly understood this week’s monster controlled chaos attack. The Empire has massive money power; a great deal of influence over the world’s GDP at $85 trillion, and the banking power behind that.

So nothing easier than using that power through the private banking systems that actually controls central banks to create a run on the ruble.

Think about the ‘Empire of Chaos’ dreaming of driving the ruble down by 99% or so – thus wrecking the Russian economy. What better way to impose imperial discipline on Russia?

The “nuclear” option

Russia sells oil in US dollars to the West. Lukoil, for instance, would have a deposit in US dollars in an American bank for the oil they sell.

If Lukoil has to pay wages in rubles in Russia, then they will have to sell the US dollar deposits and buy in Russia a ruble deposit for their bank account. This in effect supports the ruble.

The question is whether Lukoil, Rosneft and Gazprom are hoarding US dollars overseas – and holding back. The answer is no. And the same applies to other Russian businesses.

Russia is not “losing their savings”, as Western corporate media gloats. Russia can always require foreign companies to relocate to Russia.

Apple, for instance, may open a manufacturing plant in Russia. The recent Russia-China deals include the Chinese building factories in Russia….more here

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