How can you expect justice for you and your kind from a system and an organization that was founded on the shedding of your blood?


nypd3 How can you expect justice for you and your kind from a system and an organization that was founded on the shedding of your blood? It was founded on the principles of terrorizing non-whites. Ever since it’s inception it has made moves to divide, destroy, and prevent black unity and independence.

This is what you should realize as you march begging them for help. To help you would mean for them to vacate the very principles of their founding. It would alienate the people for whom it was set up to serve and maintain.
nypd….”The white race was made to destroy the peace from the earth and they have just about destroyed the peace from the earth. The Bible, Isaiah, as it is written, “The people know not the way of peace.”

Why should peace-lovers want a world to live in where there is no peace? If peace can be established, the nations want peace, but they cannot have peace until the power of the peace-breaker has been broken.

America is angry over the possible freedom of her Black once-slave to go for himself and to set up self-independence. America is angry and does not want the Black slave to seek some other nations to help him.

nypd2There are other nations whose populations run into hundreds of millions of people and these hundreds of millions of people of other nations have sympathy for the Black man in America. They hope to help the Black man in America to be free to go for self, while white America is working with all of her might in order to prevent the nations from giving any aid to the Black Man in America.

If other nations give Black man in America any aid, white America wants to hinder us.

A people who are that wicked against the Black slave, whom they have had for four hundred years — Allah (God) should not have any pity on His destruction of them — nor should the nations of earth pity white America, because white America is wicked beyond your and my imagination.”-pgs.120 & 121(tfoa)

US Justice Department interventions not stopping police violence


People protest the decision not to indict a New York City police officer involved in the death of Eric Garner, December 3, 2014.

Over the last several years a number of police departments with histories of using lethal force against oppressed peoples have been subjected to civil rights investigations and consent decrees with the Justice Department.

Nonetheless, violence by the police against the people has continued and even worsened. The recent public slayings of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice and others have illustrated clearly that the United States government is incapable of reining in local law-enforcement agencies.

In fact the escalation in the militarization of the police is being facilitated by the Department of Defense which is supplying lethal weapons, body gear, and armored vehicles to cities throughout the country.

When the Obama administration called for the use of cameras by police officers during a summit at the White House on Dec. 1 it was already superfluous. That same week a grand jury in New York decided not to indict even one police officer under investigation in the choking death of African American Eric Garner in Staten Island.

The killing of Eric Garner was videotaped and yet the police involved in the fatal attack – as well the emergency medical technicians who refused to provide life-saving assistance to Garner – were not indicted or disciplined by the prosecutor’s office or the City of New York. The current Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York, who was framed as a liberal and progressive during his campaign in 2013, appointed William J. Bratton, one of the architects of the “stop and frisk” and “broken windows” theory of policing as the chief law-enforcement commander.

Detroit Was Under Two Federal Consent Decrees for 11 Years

The City of Detroit is a clear example of the systematic failure of the Justice Department and the federal courts to eliminate police misconduct and brutality. Since the Great Migration of African Americans and the rise of the labor movement during the 20th century, the history of police suppression of the people has become well enshrined in the political fabric of the Motor City….MORE HERE

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