(Vid In.)America’s highly provocative military build-up on Russia’s borders



rumu2It is amazing that America started this trouble in Europe and is now claiming that her military build up is for peace and stability. This is just how the war maker handles her business.

In divine words America’s actions are such as this….”They command the sea with their powerful navies, parking them off the shores of other nations. They secure air bases on their soils to place their deadly bomb — carrying planes within easy striking distances of those whom they fear to be their enemies. Is this not the easy way to make enemies?

Is this the act of a real Christian, the followers of Jesus whom they preach came for the peace of mankind and to teach the sheathing of the sword and the turning of the other cheek?

Where is a good Christian among this race?

rumuThey love meddling in other people’s affairs. They are in every fight or war — it matters not with whom or where — but yet crying “Peace! Peace!” with every deadly weapon of war to provoke other nations to war.

Shall not the God of Peace and Justice deal with you and your troublemaking as He did with those before you?”-pg.169(tfoa)

Pentagon confirms military buildup along Russia borders for ‘peace & stability’

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