(7vids in.)Echoes from the thunderclaps of war


face2 Note: We said it first. We warned you all of the consequences of America’s arrogant imperial almost drunken policy of scorched earth and M.A.D.. This is bringing the nations to the brink of war. This is the time for it. There is no agreement, only division and dissatisfaction.

faceWe know and are witnessing how, “Corruption started in Europe, and it has now spread over nine-tenths of the population of the Planet Earth. It has caused the dissatisfaction of nearly 100 per cent of the civilized nations.

Dissatisfaction has reached such a percentage that it is bound to bring about universal war, since the corruption is universal. The continuing disagreement between the heads of the nations is referred to as CONFUSED and CONFLICT in the Bible and Holy Qur-an.”-Chp.115(m.t.t.b.m.)

face3Now look at what they are starting to say and see if it is in line with what we have been saying and teaching!!!!!

Russia will resume bomber patrols near U.S. territory

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