(Vid In.)Putting It Together….and You See The Big Picture = The Complete Collapse Of The Petrodollar System.


Putting It Together….and You See The Big Picture = The Complete Collapse Of The Petrodollar System.


The following is just this weeks news:

*Russia moves up it’s testing of it’s anti-dollar payment systems from May 2015 to THIS coming Monday.


*Congress, more corrupt and bought out than ever before, passes a bill which allows Wall Street to trade in the derivatives market with the protection of the FDIC, ie the PEOPLE will bail out any loses the “casino” and “players” incur.


*The Treasury Department is issuing survival kits to BANKERS

*COMEX puts a collar around Precious Metals…in other words, if Gold and/or Silver start to move up drastically in price, the trading can be HALTED to suppress any wild price swings.


*Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago is apparently bricking up it’s first floor windows.


….Put this together and you see the BIG PICTURE = the COMPLETE collapse of the petrodollar system.

SCENARIO: The BRICS, with their payment systems and everything completely ready, go online with financial operations COMPLETELY bypassing the US dollar….This topples the petrodollar’s house of cards…PMs start to explode in dollar terms and the dollar dominated derivatives start to blow US banks up.

But now thanks to our “leaders”, we will simply be responsible for this massive bubble.

This is just the start, war will no doubt follow.
Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/putting-it-together-and-you-see-the-big-picture-the-complete-collapse-of-the-petrodollar-system/#GVWFSGSzgtZJvqQZ.99

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