‘I ran that n***** over’: Two women who encouraged their friend to run over and kill black man after brutally beating and robbing him in unprovoked race-hate attack face prison


‘I ran that n***** over’: Two women who encouraged their friend to run over and kill black man after brutally beating and robbing him in unprovoked race-hate attack face prison

Shelbie Richards and Sarah Graves, both 21, have pleaded guilty in connection with a series of attacks on African-Americans in Mississippi
The attacks included the death of James Anderson, was run over by a Ford F250 truck outside a Jackson hotel in 2011
The woman admit they encouraged their co-conspirators to go with them to assault ‘n******’ on the night that Anderson was killed
They face five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for breaking the hate crime law
Source : www.dailymail.co.uk

Two women are facing prison after they admitted this week to encouraging their friend to run over and kill a black man with his pick up during a deliberate mission to target and attack African Americans.
James Anderson, was run over by a Ford F250 truck outside a hotel in Jackson, Mississisppi, after being brutally beaten and robbed in 2011.
His assault was caught by a hotel surveillance camera – which has already resulted in the conviction of driver Deryl Dedmon who boasted afterwards to his friends – ‘I ran that n***** over.’
Now two 21-year-old women who were in Dedmon’s truck and encouraged him to finish Anderson off are facing prison sentences after pleading guilty on Friday in connection with not just Anderson’s death but a whole series of attacks on African-Americans in Mississippi.

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Sarah Graves, left, and Shelbie Richards, right, are facing prison after pleading guilty in connection with a series of attacks including the 2011 death of James Anderson in Jackson, Mississippi
The death of James Anderson, pictured, sparked a broader investigation into reports that young white men and women were driving from mostly white Rankin County into majority-black Jackson to assault African-Americans
The death of James Anderson, pictured, sparked a broader investigation into reports that young white men and women were driving from mostly white Rankin County into majority-black Jackson to assault African-Americans
Shelbie Richards and Sarah Graves, each pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to violate the federal hate crime law.
Anderson’s death sparked a broader investigation into reports that young white men and women were driving from mostly white Rankin County into majority-black Jackson to assault African-Americans.
Richards and Graves admitted that on June 26, 2011, they encouraged their co-conspirators to leave Brandon with them to assault ‘n******,’ in Jackson.

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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2873162/Two-women-charged-hate-crimes-encouraging-gang-attack-African-Americans-spate-incidents-led-death-man.html#ixzz3Lujp0mhb
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