America’s policy of Black incarceration….Slavery by another name!


PICslave The scriptures teaches us that Allah would pull the covering off of this nation and expose it to all the world for her hypocrisy. As she trumpets human rights and freedom, she yet denies these basic rights to her ex-slaves. She shows them nothing but hatred and contempt.

You show love for a people that has only shown hatred for you and your kind. How can you openly love and want to integrate with such type of people? It just doesn’t make any sense at all!

ttr…”We, the whole nation of the lost-found members of the Black nation in America, must remember that for the past four hundred years we have been reared by the enemies of our fathers.

According to their own history writing, bringing us from our native land and people into the Western Hemisphere was not for the purpose of making themselves friendly people to us and our nation, but to deceive us as being that which they actually were not – a friend and advisor to us, while at the same time, depriving us of truth, justice and equality even now, after four hundred years of servitude slavery.

We must remember that the deceiver actually has deceived us.”-pg.50(tfoa)

ftterThey kill you. They demonize you. You are the scapegoat for America’s shortcomings. You are brutalized by their police forces. You are ostracized by their media and corporations. And you are exploited by their companies and corporations.

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