(4vids in.)The West maybe biting off more than they can chew as NATO continues it’s push for war with Russia


bitAmerica, through her war mongering alliance called NATO, is pushing the bounds. She is desperate and is doing what desperate former powers do. She has the mindset that if she can’t stay on top, then she is willing to ignite global thermonuclear war.

This is the mind of a sociopath. This is the mind of a killer. She is showing you that she is insane and making insane moves globally.

bit4…”She boasts of her material and being able to destroy the people of earth thirty times. If she was left free to use her material maybe America could win, but the divine die was set against her long before she ever became America.”-pg.233(tfoa)

bit3 It can be said that America sets on the edge of total collapse. Her leaders know this, this is why they are following and implementing a scorched earth policy. Look at her policy in Africa at work. Then look at her arrogance in South America.

In Asia she refuses to leave Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Korea, Japan, and is even trying to pivot more warships and warplanes in that area of the world. She is consumed with war, blood, and power.

bit2 Now she is facing an equally powerful opposition. Russia is not Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, or Libya. Russia has the means to not only fight back economically, politically, and militarily…she has all the means to come out victorious.

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