Massive protests slam police brutality across US


Massive protests slam police brutality across US


Hundreds of thousands of protesters have marched in major US cities, highlighting a “Week of Outrage,” to protest against rampant racism and police violence in the country.


Anti-racism protests were being held Saturday in the streets of Washington, as well as Chicago, Boston, and New York — where protestors flooded from regions as far as Florida, Connecticut, and Pittsburgh by bus.

Washington demonstrators gathered in Freedom Plaza, a couple of blocks from the White House, before starting a three-mile march down Pennsylvania Avenue to the US Capitol.

Protesters say they will not back down until there is systemic change, accountability, and justice in cases of police misconduct.

People in the US have been simmering with rage following the death of several unarmed black Americans at the hands of police and grand jury decisions not to indict two white police officers in Missouri and New York….MORE HERE

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