While you’re focused on sport & play, Judgment is after America


chisuWhile the devil keeps black America’s minds on sport & play, gossip, entertainment and foolishness the whole world order is being turned upside down to their unawareness. This is why they have 24 hour talk and gossip shows.

Who do you think this is meant for? …”The white man is stripping you of decent clothes to wear. Many of you come out in the public one-half nude. He is making you shameless. You are doing something that you did not know you would ever be able to do.

But, it is in you, that you would like to obey the devil and not obey Allah (God), the God of righteousness, truth, freedom, justice and equality. It is so shameful for you to sit and let your voices be heard on the radio and television answering the filthy questions that the white man is asking concerning your own personal self and the way that you think.

chisu2The white man is only trying to choose you to go hell with him. That white man knows that there is no heaven for him.

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