WATCH: Cop caught on video slamming handcuffed teen to the ground for ‘borderline disorderly’ conduct


WATCH: Cop caught on video slamming handcuffed teen to the ground for ‘borderline disorderly’ conduct


By Arturo Garcia ARTURO GARCIA

police officer can be seen throwing a 16-year-old boy to the ground after allegedly sticking his fingers in the boy’s mouth, the Free Thought Project reported.

The unidentified officer, who was identified as being part of the Phoenix Police Department, tells a person recording the encounter that he is arresting the boy, saying “His conduct is borderline disorderly. So every time I tell him to do something and he does the opposite, I will maintain the control here.”

According to the boy’s mother, Josie Espinoza Lopez, the officer was responding to a noise complaint from a neighbor when he encountered the teen. At one point, the officer orders the boy to sit down, but the boy refuses. As the officer puts handcuffs on the boy, the teen says, “I’m trying to sit down.”

Seconds later, the officer can be seen tripping the boy and pulling him to the ground.

Lopez posted the 4-minute long video on Facebook late last week. It is not clear who recorded the encounter between her son and the officer. At the beginning of the video, the boy can be seen telling the officer, “You put your fingers into my motherf*cking mouth.” The officer does not deny doing this.

The teen is seen standing alongside a wall when the officer directs him to stand elsewhere, saying, “You’re gonna stand where I tell you — right here” and pointing to his right.

“Sorry, I’m gonna stand right here,” the boy says. As the argument continues, the officer grabs the boy by the arm and directs him to the intended location.

“Look, I’m sorry for not respecting you,” the teen tells him. “I just didn’t respect you because you put your fingers in my mouth. That’s not sanitary. Why are you gonna put your fingers in my mouth?”

The boy repeatedly asks the officer why he put his fingers in his mouth, but does not get an answer. Instead, the officer continues to direct him as to where to stand before ordering him to sit.

Watch the video, as posted online on Wednesday, below.


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