(Vid In)Georgia school accused of using handcuffs on 6-year-old black special needs student


 Note:  This is a prime example of why Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught us that we must teach our own and not send them off into the school system of our oppressor. It we entrust the molding of our youths minds(& remember that our youth are the pillars of our future progress and viability as an independent nation of people), then we are eating fire and pretending that it is ice cream.
We must protect our youth at all costs. We must send a signal to our oppressors that the killing, mistreatment, or imprisonment of our future is no longer permissible.

We must first have a thorough knowledge of the time, our own, and our oppressors ….”The knowledge that Allah has given us gives the knowledge of our own. Being the first people of the earth, we are destined to be the last; we are the creators and the makers. This limited civilization of the white man and his rule is now terminating, never to be brought into existence again. This makes it absolutely against the will of the white man to honor and respect you and me and our Nation as being the first people and the makers of the universe.

Why so much teaching and warning given to the American so-called Negro and so little or no teaching of the kind being given to the African and Asian Black Nation? It is due to the fact that we are living in the midst of a people whom Allah (God) will destroy in the very near future.”-Chp.27(m.t.t.b.m.)

Georgia school accused of using handcuffs on 6-year-old special needs student


An elementary school in Stone Mountain, Georgia is under fire after a mother accused school administrators of using metal handcuffs on her 6-year-old son, a special needs student at the school.

Lakaisha Reid said she and her husband received a phone call from a school administrator at Pine Ridge Elementary, informing them they needed to come to the school because of, a problem with their son, according to WXIA.

When they arrived, Reid claims they could hear their son, Patrick, screaming in a back office.
“We go into the school, a gentleman takes us back, I hear my son yelling. He’s screaming,” Reid said.

Reid said she and her husband found their son handcuffed in the room, with his wrists bruised, as a school administrator explained that the young boy, who is African-American, had been misbehaving and had to be restrained.

Reid, explaining that her son Patrick is a special needs student, claims there are better ways to restrain a 6-year-old.

“He just ran away from school. It does not require handcuffs for this. He’s a special-needs kid,” she said.

The DeKalb County School District issued this statement regarding the decision to handcuff the child, saying the boy did attempt to run away from school and was placed in a room with three school officials while administrators attempted to contact his parents. They statement went on to say that the cuffs were needed to keep the boy from hurting himself and others.

“For approximately one hour, the student was scratching, kicking and hitting school personnel and continued to exhibit violent behavior, running into walls, banging his head on tables and placing his health at risk. At this point, the SRO (School Resource Officer) placed handcuffs on the student to protect him from harming himself. When the parents arrived, they were told the student was handcuffed for his personal safety,” the statement read.

Reid, who said she is trained in how to handle disruptive special needs children, disagreed with their decision and is asking the school to review their policies.

“They need to have police officers that are trained for special needs kids or for any kids that are that age. That’s pretty young for handcuffs. Anything can happen with those handcuffs on him,” she said.

Asked if there was a situation where the handcuffs would be appropriate, she replied, “Yeah, if he was robbing a bank.”

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