She can’t win the war!


yytr2The non-Muslim world cannot win in a war against the muslim world. Though we are at the crossroads of change and a clash of civilization, After the head up confrontation that Western civilization is pushing to exstinguish Islam, they will find out clearly that they are no match for truth, power, and judgment.

No amount of Navies, ground forces, air forces, missiles, or standing armies can survive or try to fight this last war and be successful.The great waste of money to build your defense against this coming doom, will certainly bankrupt your already bankrupt society.

yttr3 It won’t help.The truth is worrying them. Long has Allah (God) been gradually removing the power of the great and mighty America while few have noticed it.

Yes, “It is impossible for America to be the victor in this universal war because of divine intervention against her. Although she has enough deadly material manufactured to try to win, can she win against Allah (God)?

yytrShe boasts of her material and being able to destroy the people of earth thirty times. If she was left free to use her material maybe America could win, but the divine die was set against her long before she ever became America..233(tfoa)–So they’re telling you that America can’t win her war on terror which is really a war of terror!

US cannot win Afghan conflict militarily: Analyst

The United States cannot win the war in Afghanistan with a military approach, as the conflict in the Asian country is not a traditional one, an analyst tells Press TV.


“I think that what we have seen in the case of Afghanistan is that the United States is not able to achieve a military solution there because it is not a traditional war and the United States has actually made it more difficult in some ways by keeping the troops there,” Norman Stockwell, a radio host and freelance journalist, said in an interview with Press TV from Madison.

The activist also stated that the US troops “are not popular with the Afghan people and it is certainly not achieving any military or political goals at this point.”

On Saturday, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced that the United States will keep a larger force in Afghanistan than previously planned for the first part of 2015.

Speaking at a press conference with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, the outgoing Pentagon chief said that as many as 1,000 more troops would remain in Afghanistan, bringing the number of the US troop to a total of 10,800. The original plan was for 9,800 US troops to stay in the country after 2014.

Stockwell further noted that the US troops’ longer presence in Afghanistan will be of no benefit to the Afghan people, adding that the United States needs to offer other sorts of solutions that “would solidify the infrastructure and the governing process” in the war-torn country.

The war in Afghanistan, which began in 2001, has become the longest war in US history.

Under a new deal, the US and NATO will end the current combat mission and begin a new military mission focused on training Afghan security forces and counterterrorism operations.

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