The build-up for war in Europe: Russia deploys warplanes, warships, troops, missiles, and strategic nuclear armed bombers to the heart of Europe


xef2As America deploys troops and tanks to Eastern Europe, and as NATO tries to put together it’s rapid deployment forces called…NATO’s spearhead….Russia is not going quietly in the night.

xefThey have deployed nuclear armed Iskanders, troops, and 4.5 generation warplanes to Crimea. They are also deploying massive weapons systems in the very heart of Europe. They’re deploying troops, missiles, ABM systems, warships, radars, and more  deadly armaments in preparations for all out war in Europe.

Estonian Military Says Russian Air Force Planes Flying Over Baltic Sea


(Sputnik) — Estonian military has observed a number of Russian military aircraft flying over the Baltic Sea in the international airspace, the general staff of Estonia’s defense forces said Saturday.
“Today, a lot of Russian Air Force planes flying to [Russia’s] Kaliningrad region have been observed in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea. The group of aircraft comprised of different planes, including strategic bombers,” the statement said.

The Russian side has not commented on Estonia’s statement yet.

The Russian Defense Ministry has repeatedly stated that all Russian Air Force flights are conducted in accordance with the international rules on usage of the airspace over the neutral waters, and none of Russia’s planes are crossing the borders of foreign states.

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