(Vid Inc.)‘I hate n*ggers. That is all’: 5 Ohio deputies probed for years of racist text messages


jyj2You have served them so loyally for centuries. You have made them rich beyond their dreams. You made this nation the most powerful nation in the annals of the last 6,000 years, yet you have received nothing but death, exploitation, demonization, hatred, deceit, and brutality from them.

How could you not want to be separated from these people? – “A people who are that wicked against the Black slave, whom they have had for four hundred years — Allah (God) should not have any pity on His destruction of them — nor should the nations of earth pity white America, because white America is wicked beyond your and my imagination.”-pg.121(tfoa)

jyj…”After studying the history of the destruction of ancient Babylon under these two kings, we have a very good graphic picture pointing to a future people and country. The words, “We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed” do not say why she was not healed. Was there a possible chance for the Babylonians being forgiven because of the evils done to the Jews, the sacking of Jerusalem, the destruction of their temple, and the bringing out from her temples sacred vessels to be used for sport under Belshazzar’s reign? Could this crime of the Babylonians be forgiven? And if not forgiven, what does this teach us?

Is not the history of ancient Babylon’s unforgiven evils a sign that a future enslavement of God’s people (the American so-called Negro) will not be forgiven? Yet, there may be a chance, as Babylon had, but they will not do that which God desires them to do so that He may pardon them and forgive them and prolong their time.

jyj3The Revelations of John’s prophecies were that they repented not of their evil deeds but blasphemed the very name of God (Rev. 16:9). Therefore, when a man is guilty of a great evil done against the cause of God and His people, he cannot be forgiven unless he seeks forgiveness himself.

We see this in the working of the fall of America today. I say fall, for most surely this is the divine fall of America, as it was of ancient Babylon for its evils done to the Jews.

Even to this late date, America does not want to repent of her evil done to her Black slaves.”-pgs.131 & 132(tfoa)

‘I hate n*ggers. That is all’: 5 Ohio deputies probed for years of racist text messages


Sheriff’s Capt. Thomas J. Flanders (Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department)

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department revealed this week that five deputies were under investigation for allegedly sending racist text messages while on duty.

In a statement on Tuesday, Sheriff Phil Plummer said that two of the five deputies — Sheriff’s Capt. Thomas J. Flanders and Detective Michael J. Sollenberger — had been placed on indefinite paid administrative leave starting on Dec. 1.

According to WDTN, Flanders is in charge of the Montgomery County Jail, and Sollenberger works with the internal affairs unit and is a member of the SWAT team. The three other deputies had not been identified by name, and had not been suspended.
Sheriff Plummer said that the deputies sent racial messages on their personal phones between November 2011 and January 2013. Some messages were sent while the men were on duty, and some messages were directed at African-American deputies, he said.

“The N-word was used several times as well as other racial slurs and jokes,” Plummer noted. “Racism will not be tolerated in this office.”

WKEF reported that it had obtained “hundreds of pages of text messages.” One read: “What do apples and black people have in common? They both hang from trees.”

“I hate N*ggers. That is all,” another text message said.

“Very simply put, they’re N*ggers, son,” one deputy wrote.

Dayton Unit NAACP President Derrick L. Foward received an anonymous tip about the messages in August, and reported it to the department. Officials said that they conducted a three-month investigation, and conferred with the NAACP national office before going public with the allegations.

Foward expected the deputies to be fired if the internal investigation concluded that they sent the messages.

Employment attorney Jason Matthews told WHIO that the men could lose their jobs even though the messages were sent on their personal phones.

“It is possible that somebody could lose their job because of the messages, but I think a lot of it depends on the position that they hold,” Matthews explained. “It also depends on whether they’re a private sector or public sector employee, whether they have certain protections, such as a collective bargaining agreement or personnel policies that would protect them from being terminated.”

Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department code of ethics states that officers will keep their “private life unsoiled as an example to all,” and officers “will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendship to influence my decisions.”

Sheriff Plummer said that the deputies appeared to be in shock when they were first confronted, but that they “did not apologize.”

Watch the video below from WKEF, broadcast Dec. 4, 2014.

Source: www.rawstory.com

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