Russia is build ‘Noah’s Ark’ for world’s food supply


Underneath THIS tiny hut lies the ‘Noah’s Ark’ for world’s food supply: Vault deep beneath the coldest city on the planet to become home to massive stockpile of seeds and plants

Pioneering facility will use the natural cold of Siberia’s thick permafrost to preserve samples for up to 100 years
At least 1.5million seeds – from plants and vegetables – will be housed in the cryostorage unit in Yakutsk
It will enable scientists to protect many of the world’s important foods and endangered plant life against Doomsday


In Siberia, there is an inconspicuous wooden hut that doesn’t warrant a second glance. But this unremarkable building will be the entrance to a vault that could one day save the human race.

A storage facility dubbed the ‘Noah’s Ark for seeds’ that will safeguard the planet’s food supply and rare plants against Doomsday is about to be constructed underneath it.
The pioneering facility will use the natural cold of Siberia’s thick permafrost to preserve samples for up to 100 years…..more here


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