Global Pariah…She(America) is everywhere causing havoc and instability


ccfsWe can truly say with absolute certainty the America and the Western nations are parasitic. The live off the blood(resources, labor, misery, lives, and division) of others. They pick them a prospective Host(Nation/People), then they latch onto them literally as well as metaphorically suck the life out of them.

rteer They are masters of confusion and destabilization. Every corner of the earth where their is war and division, you can bet your bottom dollar that it has been touched by the race of Nosferatu …the blood suckers and mischief- makers.

Nosferatu is the term given to Count Dracula or the vampire, and according to the definition of of “Vampire”, it means:noun
a preternatural being, commonly believed to be a reanimated corpse, that is said to suck the blood of sleeping persons at night.
(in Eastern European folklore) a corpse, animated by an undeparted soul or demon, that periodically leaves the grave and disturbs the living, until it is exhumed and impaled or burned.
a person who preys ruthlessly upon others; extortionist.
a woman who unscrupulously exploits, ruins, or degrades the men she seduces.
an actress noted for her roles as an unscrupulous seductress:

ummbb2If this does not describe Western nations and Western culture, especially America and her predatory policies and actions, then tell me what does?

umbbAmerica will go to any lengths to find dissatisfied operative in every nation to be used as a tool against that said nation when needed. She is everywhere causing havoc and instability in an effort to prevent unity that she may continue to hold on to the reigns of global power unrivaled. This is being done out of complete desperation.

Muhammad described America’s actions as such….”Where is a good Christian among this race?

They love meddling in other people’s affairs. They are in every fight or war — it matters not with whom or where — but yet crying “Peace! Peace!”-pg.169(tfoa)

Look at her hand in Africa, South and Central America. look at Europe, Russia, and the Ukraine. Look at Asia, specifically how she is trying to destabilize China because she knows what was written concerning her and China when they meet on the battlefield of Asia!

‘US eyes Occupy Central movement as ability to destabilize China’

Unlike the Ferguson protests, US is interested and actively supporting the Occupy Central movement, hoping that it can destabilize China, and to make demands on the Chinese government, Sara Flounders, Head of the International Action Center, told RT.

RT: What features of the Hong Kong movement can you name and what are the foreigners going to the Hong Kong protests trying to achieve?

SF: Well, what’s important about the demonstrations in Hong Kong is the huge support that came immediately from US officials and media, from Britain and yet the complete silence and the lack of response in the cities throughout the rest of China.

We could compare that to what has just taken place in Ferguson, Missouri, and the demonstrations there and on the same day demonstrations in 170 US cities. So you can really see that what happened in Hong Kong is that they were not successful in both broadening that struggle and gaining support from working people in Hong Kong or from it resonating in the rest of China and that is an important part of what Occupy Central and its limitations represent in Hong Kong, because this is a movement that does not challenge the banks of Hong Kong who are the real power in Hong Kong.

Occupy Wall Street, that began in New York…its demands were against Wall Street: the banks, the very banks [where] in the bailout of billions of dollars placed by the US government, and yet people’s homes were allowed to go into bankruptcy in the millions.

So we see a movement in Hong Kong that is making no demands on the banks even though this is one of the largest financial centers in the world, and instead is making demands strictly on the central government in China. And that shows a lot about what this movement represents and who is behind it…..MORE HERE

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