If this does not sound like fine tuning for war, then what does? – Russian forces to hold 150 military drills next year


Russian Ground Forces to take part in six international drills: Russian Ministry of Defence

Russian Ministry of Defence has announced that Russian Ground Forces to take part in six international anti-terrorism and peacekeeping military drills in 2015.
(Sputnik) – Russian Ground Forces will take part in six international anti-terrorism and peacekeeping military drills in 2015, the country’s Defense Ministry has announced.

“In 2015, Ground Forces formations and units are scheduled to take part in six joint anti-terrorism and peacekeeping military exercises with army units of the armed forces of Serbia, India, Mongolia, China [and] Belarus,” the defense ministry’s spokesman, Maj. Kirill Kiselev, said.

Kiselev added that Russian Ground Forces will hold about 150 drills next year. Some of the exercises will be conducted with the participation of the Russian Air Force, the Russian Navy and Special Forces.

Overall, the Russian Defense Ministry will organize about 4 thousand military drills in 2015, according to the ministry’s press service.

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