America, it’s too late…Black America no longer accepts pacification. They want justice in deeds!


gre4It’s becoming harder by the day for America to contain the outrage, anger, and rage that is boiling up out of the ex-slaves over nearly 500 years of double standards, injustice, mockery, hatred, abuse, murder, evil, wicked treatment, and deceitful treatment.

gre I do believe that America’s leaders are panicking over the uprising as everything that they’ve tried do ,whether it was ignoring…demonizing…manipulated reporting…incite…or deployment of armed forces, to squash the protests..has failed badly.

gre2 And we must realize the time as this is the time of the great separation sand the resurrection of you, the dead. So regardless of what they do or plan…”There will not be an end to the clashes between Black and white America — and throughout the world — until wrong, evil, murdering, deceiving and robbing the poor Black man of the earth, is destroyed and righteousness and justice are practiced.

This is the day of God Almighty to set up justice and equality throughout the earth. He is to free the Black man — the American so-called Negro — from his deceitful, evil and murderous enemies.”-pg.200(tfoa)

gre3…”It is clear to all who can see that America has reached the stage about which she always has been warned. She always has wanted to keep it a secret, because of her so-called Negro slaves.

gre5She never desired for the slave to know too much of what was in store for her, because of her enslaving and mistreating her slaves. She has reared them for the past 400 years — and she knows them. She knows how they think and how they react to her teachings, and she knows their fear of her. She knows her slaves, but the slaves do not know America — their slavemaster.

The great, dreadful and awful day (doom) is now in the doors and windows of America, and of the church — the religion of America.”-pg.199(tfoa)

gre6America, right up to today — with all of her battles with her outside enemies, never loses sight of the inside — her poor old Black Slave — she does not want him to do anything. She wants him to be deceived. She does not want him to accept his salvation that Allah (God) is offering the Black once-slave, here in America.

Do not believe what they’re peddling in Washington D.C. & through their deceptive media outlets. These are the signs of the rise of the black nation and the fall of (white) America….”It is not twenty years in the future — nor fifteen years. Let no one deceive you. It is here at our doors now. The dreadful plagues and confusion of America are beginning to boil. Their fuel making it boil will not cease until it is boiled down to the last of the dregs.

gre7The present promise of a better future that America is making to the so-called Negroes will prove to be false. All of her false promises to the American so-called Negroes, will be short-lived by both — because the time of her doom has approached. America would have to do a miraculous thing of justice (a square deal) to turn it back.”-pg.201(tfoa)

With all that you see, know that this is only “The Lull Before The Storm” — America is trying with all of her might to hinder you from getting into heaven. America makes promises to you, and she makes promises to me, but she does not intend to fulfill them.

Ferguson protesters shut down Washington, DC interstate

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Americans protesting against a Missouri grand jury decision in the case of the death of Michael Brown have blocked a major highway in Washington, DC.

The Washington Department of Transportation said that demonstrators blocked Interstate 395 in both directions on Sunday afternoon.

It was the second day in a row that people closed the US capital’s multi-lane highway.

According to reports, protesters established a human chain across the highway, and some people held signs condemning the grand jury decision not to indict white police officer Darren Wilson.

The protests have been ongoing in dozens of cities and towns across the United States since the jury cleared Wilson last week.

Demonstrators also disrupted Black Friday shopping in many cities including in Ferguson where activists shut down shopping malls.

On November 24, St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch said that Wilson would not be indicted and that he would not even face charges for killing 18-year-old Brown on August 9 in Ferguson.

Following the decision, violent protests against racial discrimination and police brutality in the United States broke out across the country.

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has declared a state of emergency and deployed thousands of National Guard troops to the Ferguson area to quell violence.

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