Permanent war for the empire: The Geopolitical push to stave off economic ruin


arc5Insane as it may sound, but America believes that she is capable of defeating prophecy through her military planners and war machine. She thinks that if she can build up enough weapons ,forts, bases, troops, and arms, and can position them globally and even to outer-space, she could be prophecy and stop what God has ordained.

arc3In a nutshell, this is her policy of “Full Spectrum Dominance!” This is her mindset from the so-called “New American Century!” She is even willing to provoke the only other white nation that can defeat her or fight her to a standstill, into thermonuclear war.

America is in very serious trouble. Her trade is in decline. She continues to run trade deficits after trade deficits, month in and month out. Her fiscal policies has led her to the abyss.

arc2Her arrogance has alienated her enemies and allies alike. Her foreign policy has been exposed as hypocritical, full of double standards, racist, and imperial. Her political clout continues to nosedive.

arc6She is engaged in over 25 covert and overt military conflicts directly and dozens more indirectly. She is continuing to flaunt international law. She continues to disregard the national interests of others. Her bullying ,lying, and strong-armed tactics go on unabated.

Her main power…the pillar which has allow her to live deliciously and print money, wage wars, export inflation, dictate global policy, fund her war machine, and build and maintain her economy as #1 is falling flat. The world no longer wants her issuance of paper with a promise to someday repay her debts.

econonNot today. No, this will not suffice any longer. She is no longer #1 in science and education. She is no longer in freedom. She is no longer the #1 exporter.

She no longer has the title as the world’s manufacturer. She no longer can say that she is rich, because she is mired in deficits and debt up to her eyeballs. This debt in reality is unrealistic ,because it can never be repaid.

She is the greatest debtor nation in the history of the world. Let me lend this to your ears again. She is the greatest debtor nation in the history of the world.

roul2Her markets are imploding. Her leverage over other nations is gone. This is the end of American wealth, might, power, attractiveness, culture, and domination and those in power know it.

They know this and this is why they are willing to provoke their creditors to war. This is a sly way to default on the debt, by saying that they do not have to pay those whom they are at war with. She is desperate i tell you.

arc4This time though, things are different. These nations are preparing for these eventualities. They are awake to your deceptive actions and tricks.

The so-called American Negroes (my people) are now in a time when they must decide on life or death. The world we have known is on its way out, and it wishes to carry you and me with it. But, it will not.

They know that you are deceived and they wish to keep you deceived as to the time and what must take place in this time.

…”They have never been a friend to us, nor do they ever intend to be. They cannot be a friend because they were not created in any such nature to be a true friend to anyone, not even to themselves. Today she is being upset with wars, little scrimmages breaking out here and there over the earth keeping her busy running from one fire to the other trying to prevent the fire from spreading into a national or international fire.

arcShe must get a taste of what she has put upon other people. Therefore, Almighty God Himself is stirring up the nations of the earth against her. And, as it is written, they shall come against her as she has gone against other people and taken away their wealth and brought it and poured it into her treasuries, so shall it be done to her.”-Chp.121(m.t.t.b.m.)

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