American positioning…The real Asian threat


bassa So they not only are seeing the threat emanating from American imperialism, for the first time in a long time they are publicly stating it. This means that things are getting very serious. This means that for them to say this openly, they have long seen the threat and have been making preparations to address it.

bassa2Asia is getting restless because they know that war in approaching quickly. This is why there is such a fast pace drive to re-arm. After the beat down that America and her European allies take in Africa and the Middle East, she will then get the head crack in Asia.

So Messenger Elijah Muhammad states that….” You do not have to worry too much about whether or not America is coming out of Asia. Certainly America is coming out of Asia. The odds are against her staying there. “-pg.172(tfoa)

bassa3 Can’t you see the dust up? The build up and the provocations are growing. The face off will not go in America’s favor. The time and prophecy is most assuredly against her!

US missile system poses ‘serious threat’ to Asia-Pacific region: Russia


Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov says the United States is a serious threat to the Asia-Pacific region because it is increasing its military presence in the region with nuclear warships and strategic bombers.

He made the remarks during an address to colleagues from the Southern and Southeast Asian countries in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The Russian official also warned that Washington is bringing instability to the region as it is developing its global missile network under the pretext of a North Korean nuclear threat.

“In reality, American global missile defense is aimed at undermining regional and international security and poses a serious threat to the Asia-Pacific region,” he was quoted as saying by Russia Today.

The remarks were made amid escalating tensions between Washington and Moscow over the crisis in Ukraine.

The United States accuses Russia of sending troops into eastern Ukraine in support of the pro-Russian forces, an allegation denied by the Kremlin.

The Obama administration has imposed several rounds of sanctions against Moscow over the crisis.

Antonov criticized the United States for pushing Ukraine into an abyss.

“The lawfully elected president [of Ukraine] was ousted from power in a military way,” he said.

He added that the region’s governments suffered great pressure by Washington to “join illegal anti-Russian sanctions.”

The Russian deputy defense minister blasted the US for launching wars around the world.

“Think of it, over the last decades the US initiated two-thirds of all military conflicts. Call to memory, how it all turned out in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria,” he said.

“Using social and economic difficulties, various ethnical and religious conflicts and under the pretext of spreading democracy, Western political spin masters add populist slogans to the fire of public discontent, provoking mass disturbances,” he said.

“As a result, a lawful government is taken down, chaos, abuse of power and lawlessness spread, people die, and in some cases a regime favorable to the West is brought into power. Of course, terrorists feel comfortable in such conditions.”

Antonov also called on US officials to “give up double standards in the implementation of counterterrorist measures.”

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